Lighthouse Equine Ministry
It is our hearts desire that your time here with us is filled with the love and power of Jesus Christ, while caring for and interacting with horses. We desire to be intentional about learning from and experiencing God during your time with us, whether it’s four weeks, or ten weeks! At the end of our program we will reminisce and process about all that God has done in your life during that time. We will also evaluate how to move forward with you in regards to Lighthouse Equine Ministry. We look forward to our time together! Everyone at the Lighthouse Equine Ministry works on a volunteer basis, but we do separate those who are strictly volunteers and those who are part of the ministry staff. Our ministry staff has gone through a screening process to ensure each member shares the core beliefs on our mission statement and is equipped to lead Bible-based sessions with each participant.
Each of our sessions aims to use the horse as a means for teaching Bible-based principles for life. While we love our horses and believe that God uses them in amazing ways, we emphasize that our sessions are not about the horse at all. We simply use the horse to show the love of Jesus Christ and our need for Him in our lives. While we are not a horse therapy program, we do provide therapeutic approaches to our sessions.